Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Get back on Track for your Desired Success

Take a moment and think back to December 31st, 2015. The year was over and you probably, like thousands of other people across the world, had high hopes to change your future, create goals, resolutions, or actions to get back on track to your desired future. You, like many others, probably wanted to wipe the slate clean and start fresh with the coming year...

So what happened? Are you on track to hit your goals or did they fizzle out as life got in the way? Did you have every intention of making those dreams happen but didn't know how to get started? Did you make some impact in achieving your desired success? Are you on the right track? Have you overcome hurdles? Or are you stuck? Did you let the dreams fall to the side? Did you lose momentum?

The majority of those that have found success had a road map to get there. They knew step by step how they were going to achieve their dreams and made a plan to reach specific landmarks to obtain those success points. They were able to visualize where they want to go and have designed  a plan to get there.

For those of you that have not found that success recipe yet, it isn't too late to get back on the success train. There are a couple of ways to make this happen.

1. Research goal setting and action planning.
2. Take my online course to creating goals and effective action plans (class one; Analyze, Self Discover, and Create a starting point on your success path, class two; Create Short and Long Term Goals, class three; Prioritize and Downsize larger Goals for Effective Action Planning, and class four; Action Plans, Setting it all in motion). You can take these all separately or if you need a little extra step by step guidance join my Workshop. If you're interested in taking these classes get a month free at Skillshare with this link.
3. Hire a Life Coach (check out my website for more details)

If things are going successful for you right now, congratulations! Keep up the amazing work and I hope you find all the success you're driving for, but if you need a little extra help to Design Your Desired Future, there are ways to find it.

I became a coach because I love helping people empower themselves to make lasting transformations in their lives. Techniques I use in my online coaching classes as well as in my coaching practice are effective. I've used many of these tools on myself and found amazing success. Three years ago I wanted to become a best selling author. I published my first fiction book and now have over 20 titles available and have even become a New York Time Bestseller.... those things don't happen overnight and for some (very few) they come naturally but for others they take work.

I've helped hundreds of people make lasting changes in their personal, professional and spiritual lives and I'd love to help you. Check out my classes, call me for a free life coaching session, what do you have to lose?

For now, I am signing off. Have a wonderfully successful day ~ Jami

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Announcing New Goal Setting and Action Planning Online Courses

I became a coach to help others making lasting life changes by overcoming obstacles that keep them from their desired success. As my coaching business grows and my availability is reducing I've decided to add an additional line of business to my practice... online coaching classes. I'm very excited about this new avenue and have already published four awesome classes in the Design Your Desired Future Series which is on goal setting and action planning. Check out the class links below, enroll today. If you grab a membership to Skillshare you'll receive one month free and three months for only $0.99. This is a great deal because a premium membership gains you unlimited access to all the classes on the site from tons of other trainers offering amazing classes in all kinds of areas.

My Design Your Desired Future Series is a deep dive into goal setting and action planning. Each class offers tools and techniques I personally use in my coaching practice with clients. That makes this a steal of a deal.

People who will benefit from these classes are people who want to learn to create goals and action plans to improve all areas of their lives; career, personal, relationships etc. Planning your future and creating a follow through plan to make those future dreams/goals a reality is a great way to find success. 

I hope you enjoy the courses and have a wonderfully successful day.